Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hummingbirds Are Returning!

While there's a couple of months before you can start handfeeding hummingbirds at Lake Hope State Park, it's not too early to hang the hummingbird feeders in your back yard! According to the Hummingbird Migration Map Ohio's first recorded hummingbird of the 2009 season was spotted in extreme southwest Ohio on March 31!
Here are some things to keep in mind when placing your feeders out this early:
1. Put only a very small amount of sugar water in your feeder AND change the feeder daily. This keeps the feeder fresh and you don't waste a lot of nectar. Fresh is important - you wouldn't want to drink a glass of koolaid left out for a few days!
2. Mix your nectar in a pitcher and keep it in the fridge to save time and effort.
3. The recipe: four (4) parts water mixed with one (1) part regular sugar. It's easiest if you dissolve your sugar in a small bit of warm water first, then add the rest of the water.
4. NO food coloring. It's simply not necessary and we don't know the effect artificial coloring has on the birds. The nectar they get in nature is not red - it's clear!
5. Keep your feeders clean but never use bleach or soap. Good, hot water is all it takes to clean your feeders. If they get sugary just let them soak in hot water for a little bit.
While you're surfing around, check out the activities at the Lake Hope Nature Center for the 2009 season, including the upcoming Egg Hunt, hosted by the Friends of Lake Hope, on April 11 at 1 PM.

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